DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (2024)


October 28, 2023

Learn to make your own cream of mushroom soup pantry staple that will taste SO MUCH better than storebought. And you can control what goes in it!
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do you want to start learning how to replace some of the things in your pantry that you buy all the time with things that are homemade today weā€™re going to do some of that weā€™re going to learn how to dehydrate mushrooms and then create a homemade cream of mushroom dry mix that you can keep on the Shelf all the time to make a replacement for cream of mushroom soup for your casseres and in case we havenā€™t met Iā€™m Darcy from the purposeful where we talk about dehydrating and other ways to preserve food for the Pantry in our home I love when I get a sale on mushrooms from Aldi I got these for 9 cents a pint they were already sliced and ready to go so Iā€™m just loading them up on trays ready to dry you can pile these on pretty high because they will shrink like crazy something that youā€™re not going to see me do is blanch mushrooms which I had prepared to do so that you could see the difference between how they work blanched and not blanched because thereā€™s a rumor out there that you need to blanch mushrooms before dehydrating you donā€™t thatā€™s only for things that you get uh for that need to be cooked before they can be eaten these regular cultivated white mushrooms donā€™t need that so please donā€™t plant your mushrooms ahead of time itā€™s just not necessary okay so here are our mushrooms all ready to go into our dehydrator the top shelf here is for the blanch version these look just like they came out of the can I mean theyā€™re theyā€™re pretty much canned rubberry mushrooms now my theory is that when itā€™s recommended to Blan mushrooms thatā€™s if theyā€™re wild forged and they need to be cooked before you ingest them probably uh lanching before you dehydrate takes care of all of that stuff so you donā€™t have to worry about eating this raw accidentally Iā€™m going to tell you I already donā€™t like canned uh mushrooms that are rehy that are dehydrated and rehydrated Iā€™m not a fan but Iā€™m trying to be open-minded about this to see what itā€™s like so here we go we are going to start the machine weā€™re going to set the temperature to 150 because mushrooms can go High theyā€™ll dry faster that way and here we go so what I like to do is I like to use my food processor to uh to chop these down into small pieces now they get really tiny and so we call them mushroom bits instead of mushroom pieces uh and then make them really small which is easy for me just to toss into a meal still gives some bulk but it doesnā€™t give that rubbery texture that we donā€™t like after the fact for people in the family who donā€™t like to have mushrooms but theyā€™re there and theyā€™re not noticeable but they still offer all that flavor but if you donā€™t have a food processor you donā€™t like how small it chops this up you can always use a some kind of vegetable chopper like this full our vegetable chopper it has two sizes that you can do whichever size you prefer the really small ones uh or larger dices like these and with that we have 20 lbs of mushrooms in here in smaller pieces that I can fit more in weā€™re going to set the temperature to 150 the time doesnā€™t matter because weā€™re not following time weā€™re following whether theyā€™re dry or not but this is likely going to be dry within about 10 hours at the most so weā€™ll get it started and see back in what we have are our dried mushrooms uh I did record showing the what I thought about the um blanched mushrooms and my thought is they are crispy uh and crunchy when you do them but they are not they donā€™t taste good they donā€™t taste like mushroom to me they just they have lost some flavor and I donā€™t like it uh and I wonā€™t be blanching those again theyā€™re on the bottom here you can see what they look like weā€™re not going to waste them but I just donā€™t prefer them so I have stocked as many of these as I can get in but Iā€™m going to show you a trick now if you donā€™t want to take the time to cut these down and get them into smaller pieces like doing mushroom bits or anything and literally you can do this with your mushrooms just crunch them up okay just like that and you can get smaller pieces they rehydrate theyā€™re not as rubbery texture you donā€™t notice them as much you still get all that flavor and you just get it in small little bits like that okay so now you can just store your bits into a jar just like this I have also found that my mushrooms do not need to be vacuum sealed at all Iā€™m going to tell you Iā€™ve stored them for 3 years optimally most dehydrated foods are good for about 2 years some last longer and you may your mileage will vary but Iā€™m telling you that these have lasted me for about 3 years my longest batch but we usually go through them much faster than that now so I donā€™t store them that long so I donā€™t vacuum seal these however if you wanted to itā€™s simply just like this make sure thereā€™s no debris on your [Music] lip let that go over [Music] there your lid on and I donā€™t even bother to Mark these and date them because we know exactly what they are okay after our proper drying time which is whenever itā€™s dry not by the actual time here are our mushroom chunks dry crack easily ready to go to be put into storage for we need so we have trays and trays of that and here are our mushroom bits also very dry they are just small parts of the mushroom that I just did in the processor and so we have lots and lots of trays of those to store away for use in tossing into things so what you have now mushroom chunks mushroom bits each of those five trays mostly filled up a quart size jar what weā€™re going to make is some DIY mushroom soup mix like you would use to use a can of mushroom soup in any kind of meal uh or kind of casserole but what you need is mushroom powder heavy cream powder onion powder uh any kind of beef bullon then weā€™ve got uh onion that was garlic powder onion powder u a a herb blend Iā€™m using my generic herb blend that I use that I put together all the time but Iā€™ll leave a list of the specifics in the recipe down below then we have powdered milk we have flour we have vegetable powder and we have mushroom bits okay thatā€™s what weā€™re going to be using for this recipe he first weā€™re doing 3 and 1/2 cups of flour Iā€™m not going to get too picky about measuring this as if I was baking okay weā€™re doing 1 and 13 cups of dried milk again Iā€™m not going to be picky about measuring if you donā€™t have heavy cream you can just substitute the um just do milk for the whole thing so weā€™re going to do a cup thereā€™s a cup with this recipe I use regular beef bullon so I do not add salt to the recipe if you use a salt-free version or youā€™ve made your own you can easily add salt to taste as you make the soup weā€™re also going to add 3 tbsp of whatever vegetable powder you happen to have if you have vegetable bullion use that I donā€™t I just have my homemade vegetable powder weā€™re just going to add those three cups there oh that was tablespoons sorry not three cups three tablespoons all right we are going to also add about 3 tbsp of onion powder now I donā€™t use onion um flakes in this because my husband doesnā€™t like biting into onion but loves the flavor of onions so weā€™re going to add the onion powder and this recipe is make as much or as little of any of these particular flavors as youā€™d like then weā€™re going to add garlic powder Iā€™m not going to measure this one then my vegetable my herbal blend which is thyme itā€™s going to have thyme uh parsley gosh I donā€™t remember whatā€™s in this but itā€™s just a generic blend I like I said before I will leave uh the actual recipe down below but I just end up going with whatever I have have for my my we call it my Mrs Darcy blend instead of Mrs Dash itā€™s Mrs Darcy um weā€™re also going to do a bit of black powder black pepper as much as little as you like now what Iā€™m going do is Iā€™m just going to blend this so that we get a good mixture itā€™s just a little bit easier for me to do it here than to shake it into a jar do this we also add I add a good 2 tspoons of mushroom powder because we like it mushroomy thatā€™s the whole point of having mushroom soup is to make it quite mushroomy and then approximately a cup approximately two cups of mushroom bits all right to make our mix itā€™s a/2 cup of the soup blend 1/4 cups of hot water and I find I like to just reserve some and hold it back a little bit before I do it all if it becomes too soupy for you you can always add a little extra soup mix into it to help make it a little thicker if you want it even more soupier you just adjust the water that you like it does take a little while in my experience for it to hydrate fully because youā€™ve got all of this stuff going stop letā€™s talk about safety shall we all right when youā€™re making this instant soup mix what youā€™re trying to do is replace a can of cream of mushroom soup that you would use in a lot of casseres however during during the making of this flour is actually cooked this is not so what this doesnā€™t make a good soup mix for is the Instant Mix that you would like a cup of soup you canā€™t just pour it in a cup pour some water on it and then just eat it because one thereā€™s a salmonella risk that if your flour happens to carry it and you eat it raw that could cause a problem for you the second issue is also that that flour is not cooked so your cream of mushroom soup done instantly that way will sort of taste raw flour like itā€™s not that great Okay so hereā€™s a tip for this is thereā€™s a thing called wonder which is a a flow mix that has already been cooked and then dried and then ground and available to use in things that you want instantly something else I wanted to talk about is that the recipe you saw me make here is enough to fill a half gallon jar I donā€™t recommend making this much at one time because one youā€™re storing flour two youā€™re storing milk products they donā€™t have the longest shelf life try that again they donā€™t have the longest reliable shelf life flowers can actually turn rancid and as well as the milk products there even if theyā€™re dried they can turn rancid over time so what I do recommend if you donā€™t typically use a lot of this kind of soup mix in recipes it just make the half gallon version which is going to be linked Down Below in the description box and up here in the eye cards so if youā€™re interested in another way to use your dehydrated mushrooms watch this video right here and weā€™re going to make a Umami seasoning mushroom mix that is so good to add to just about everything and until I see you again next time keep deserving


  1. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @karenreneelyles261 7 months ago

    Question about flour, I have wheat flour so I use coconut flour. Have you tried coconut flour in this recipe? Would it have the same warnings as the wheat flour?

  2. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (2)

    @dorothymccomb2244 7 months ago

    Can you post the ingredients for Mrs. Darcy's seasoning mix? I didn't find it on your website.

  3. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @chrisb5391 7 months ago

    I hadn't thought of dehydrating mushrooms and making powder. Great idea! Thanks!

  4. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @evanfriedman390 7 months ago

    Sounds awesome keep it up

  5. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @evanfriedman390 7 months ago

    I forage all the mushrooms I find I never blanch themā€¦dehydrated or notā€¦never had problems chantrelles, boletus, hen of the woods, hedgehog mushrooms and more. curious why I should

  6. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @lionheart830 7 months ago

    Darcy, you forgot to add the chopper to the list!

  7. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @billbottoms8295 7 months ago

    Where are you finding milk solid powder and cream powder? And, bullion powder. Are these organic? Trying to be as organic as possible for family. Good review of the Cosori dehydrators. I like that they are stainless steel and not Teflon coated.

  8. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @princessborealis542 7 months ago

    This is my 3rd attempt in my lifetime of trying to dehydrate things and your channel has been emmencely helpful! Thank you for all the time you spent doing this ā¤ļø

  9. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (10)

    @sheridawn5314 7 months ago

    How do you know when the vacuum sealer is done?

  10. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @marygallagher3428 7 months ago

    Thanks for sharing this great recipe!

  11. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (12)

    @carolsbitesandpieces8127 7 months ago

    Can i dehydrate chicken bits to do dehydrated cream of chicken soup also?

  12. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (13)

    @marjoriepetersen4102 7 months ago

    Other than using wonder flour how do we cook the flour prestorage. I have several containers of mixes with flour that I havenā€™t used for a long time should I throw them out and start over since I donā€™t know if they are contaminated the mixes are baking mixes. Brownie recipe example.Iā€™m really concerned.

  13. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (14)

    @jodi-bethfelton3696 7 months ago

    This is greatā¤

  14. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (15)

    @jessicaquiroz7178 7 months ago

    Does it taste better when you add the heavy cream powder?

  15. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (16)

    @jessicaquiroz7178 7 months ago

    Have you ever thought about selling Ms. Darcyā€™s vegetable blend? When you said that about the vegetable powder, I started laughing cuz it was to cute.

  16. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (17)

    @blknight113 7 months ago

    Thanks for the tip about the .99 cent mushrooms at Aldi! I donā€™t go there often, but after watching this video, I made the trip and bought 8 packages. The ones at my store were not sliced, but it wasnā€™t a problem to do. I made 8 trays in my Excalibur. I kept one package to eat fresh. They dehydrated fast and I filled up a half gallon jar, plus some extra! Yay!

  17. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (18)

    @okiejammer2736 7 months ago

    Yumma yumma! Definitely making this. So versatile and much tastier than tinned cream soups. Thanks so much!

  18. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (19)

    @trishaporte 7 months ago

    ***Darcy can you dehydrate avocados??

  19. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (20)

    @tinaknutsen 7 months ago

    Good morning Darcy! Just something I wanted to mention that I noticed with powdered milk: My husband has been purchasing emergency food products and one was powdered milk that is supposed to last 25 years. I didnā€™t realize he ordered it and at the same time I purchased powdered milk from the grocery store which shelf life is just under 2 years. We compared labels and as far as nutritional value the 25 year one had much more. I donā€™t understand the process used to why the extreme difference in shelf life.
    I donā€™t know if you have pets but I have 4 dogs and a cat and when Covid hit it was hard to find pet food. With that said Iā€™ve learned to make pet food from YT but I would like to learn how to preserve dog food/treats other than freezing as I have a tiny freezer. My dogs like the chicken jerky treats that I get from Costco-and Iā€™ve made beef jerky in my dehydrator so wondering how to make chicken jerky treats and preserve them? Please let me know your thoughts or if any one knows or can direct me to a channel.
    Thank you and Iā€™m new to your channel watched 2 vids and loved them both!
    Iā€™ll be back!šŸ˜Š

  20. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (21)

    @user-hr1px5xe9q 7 months ago

    Can you open that can of cream, mushroom and dehydrant it.

  21. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (22)

    @ificanyoucanprep2923 7 months ago

    Darcy, I really enjoy your videos, and this one will be one of my favorites Iā€™m sure. I do have one small quibble, I tried the Herb Ox beef bullion. Truly it was one of the worst things Iā€™ve ever tasted. I even called the company because it was that bad. Have you ever tried it in hot water? I still love the recipe, Iā€™m always on board to lessen sodium, but oh my!

  22. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (23)

    @cavymomma 7 months ago

    excellent! Love that I can control the ingredients and use 'clean' stuffs to always have some cream of 'shroom soup base on hand šŸ™‚ šŸ˜€

  23. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (24)

    @mnp870 7 months ago

    Many store bought soups have MSG .

  24. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (25)

    @user-np8yj1ue1w 7 months ago

    Could cornstarch be used in place of flour to make it an instant soup?

  25. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (26)

    @kerrystevens3228 7 months ago

    As I'm allergic to mushrooms, what would be a good substitute for cream of mushroom soup to make and dehydrate??šŸ˜Š

  26. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (27)

    @user-hr1px5xe9q 6 months ago

    Can you take that can of mushroom soup and dehydrate that liquid out of there

  27. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (28)

    @ultramagapatriot5874 6 months ago

    I bought 6 packs of the sliced mushrooms and i dehydrated them as well. It was my first time using my new dehydrator. They turned out woderful. Thank you for your video

  28. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (29)

    @danniemcdonald7675 6 months ago

    Thanks for the mushroom tips. Now I need for someone to put mushrooms on sale ( our new Aldi is supposed to open in December, but they have not said when). I've heard of/seen Wondra most of my life, but never considered it as more than just a brand ( expensive) of flour. Thanks for explaining the difference.
    Now, the burning question ā€¦ is there any way to safely make Wondra at home?

  29. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (30)

    @Just-Nikki 6 months ago

    I have 2 lbs of mixed mushrooms delivered by a local grower every few weeks. I get wonderful variety and they are freshly cut the same day as delivery. I pay $25 including delivery. Iā€™m mentioning this to suggest checking local farmers markets or even online for local produce. I know of at least 4 growers near me that either deliver or allow pickup at their farms. I met them all through farmers markets. šŸ˜€

  30. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (31)

    @daviniakeller4181 6 months ago

    Just made this and then cooked some up to see how it turned out. My daughter gave it two thumbs and I agree!

  31. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (32)

    @andimarshall2261 4 months ago

    Another great video!!! Thank you!!!

  32. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (33)

    @conniesowers5125 4 months ago

    This sounds so goodā¤. I have FD mushrooms in pantry šŸ˜Š

  33. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (34)

    @karenreneelyles261 4 months ago

    How do you clean mushrooms before you dehydrate? The ones I get from the store look dirty.

  34. DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (35)

    @TexasBunnee 2 weeks ago

    I recently bought that type of sealer. Can it be used on regular jar lids as well, or only on canning lids?

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DIY Cream of Mushroom Soup with Dehydrated Mushrooms - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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